Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Final media production with modifications

Above are the three final media products for the main portfolio task. I have modified each of them very slightly from the previous posts to produce the highest standard of work that I can hope to achieve.

I noticed in the previous images I failed to realise that I had not eliminated the red eye in the girl's eyes that was obtained from the camera. By failing to remove the red eye on the pictorials it made them look both amateur and unprofessional as this would not be expected of a real life magazine. Due to all the new technology available to me I was able to modify the images using a photo editing programme, Picasa. This specific image editor is designed for quick and basic fixes of photos that need re-touching a small amount. As I had already done the majority of the editing on a more complex programme such as photoshop, Picasa was the perfect choice.

On the front cover of my magazine the bands title is situated across the centre of the page over the image of the band. I noticed that the small, black font that I used was not as noticeable as I had hoped. I considered using a different colour to make it more eye catching, however taking into account the range of brightly coloured dresses, the white background and the three conventional colour coding scheme which my magazine follows throughout, I found it hard to come up with suitable colour that wouldn't clash, nor would it fade into the background. As the font I used for this is downloaded I could not make adaptions to it on the college computer which offers me a range of graphics programmes to work with. I therefore had to make use of the limited graphics programmes available to me at home. Taking this into consideration I simply opted to make the font bigger and across a wider space of the magazine cover, to make it more noticeable.

Moreover, when taking a closer look at my double page spread I noted that I had not thought the layout of my main and sub headline through properly. Because previously the text was over where the fold in the magazine would be, therefore making it likely to be illegible when thinking about reading it realistically. So as you can see above I have now changed the layout in the text to leave a definite gap at either side of the centre fold, to eliminate all possibilities of being unable to read it and still creating the feel that it is an all in one page.

Overall, each of these simple but effective modifications make a significant difference in trying to create a final media production to the best of my ability.

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